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Home News Taraba Indigenes Condemn Attack, Write Governor, Darius Ishaku

Taraba Indigenes Condemn Attack, Write Governor, Darius Ishaku


Taraba Indigenes Condemn Attack, Write Governor, Darius Ishaku


Taraba State Indigenes Development Association in the Diaspora south west states has condemned in totality the recent bomb blast that occurred in Iware and Nukkai areas in Taraba State.

Comrade Ezekiel Zik Kuni the zonal spokespersons and Secretary signed a press statement in Lagos while handing over their letter to the governor of the state Mr. Darius Dickson Ishaku to the Director of Taraba state Liaison Office,  Mr. Solomon Joseph.

The association expressed her unhappiness on the recent killings, abductions and kidnappings in the state, whereby the government seem unwilling to put an end to the regrettable reoccurring menace.

According to him, the association condemned in strong terms the Current insecurity and banditries activities in the state that our citizens are being killed on daily basis with no positive reaction towards putting an end to it.

“We believe this is the handwork of politicians who are using it as campaign strategy.

Our state Taraba has not been like this until the bitter side of politics entered our people. Now brothers are killing brothers and sisters no long greet themselves because of politics,” he added

He said,”Our roads has a lot of check points mounted by all kinds of security agencies only to extract money from private and commercial drivers and making life bearable for the poor masses as our politicians drives freely while the less privileged ones are made to come down from the commercial cars and walk a long distance. Question; do they search the cars? Answer: NO. If this check points were something meaningful to the poor masses, why do the abductions and kidnappings becoming so common in our state?

The question we should be asking ourselves and the governments of the day are;

Every day our politicians are going for consultation and seeking positions to represent who? Who are we consulting to represent, our fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters that have been killed? If all are killed who will you represent?

“If all our citizens are being killed, who are you going to represent? Those who are already killed or what interest do you have on your people if they are being killed every day and you are moving up and down for consultation,he said.

The Association is saying no to these kind of practice and believe it or not, for those who are benefiting from this acts “God will ask you to give account of how you live your life on the last day; our people have suffered enough. We are not happy with our local government chairmen, our traditional rulers, our law makers and our representatives at state and federal levels. Should the good people who elect you to represent them suffer the consequence for electing you? IT IS TIME TO TELL OURSELIVES THE TRUTH.

Fighting insecurity is not a single-handed job but is a collective bargaining for peace, let’s do it and we must put party aside if not, this is how we continue to suffer the insecurity in the State,

We all have good ideas of what to do and should not leave all to government of the day, as we have our quarters to contribute, to bring the state to the phase it ought to be.
We are calling on all Tarabians at home and in diaspora to work together in oneness for us to take the glory. Please we need to wise up.

TSIDA in the Diaspora are saying, the act of bombing, killing and kidnapping is barbaric and inhuman, this should not be welcomed in our home (Taraba state), in other not to disable all the efforts that Governor Darius Ishaku has been preaching to keep peace in the State.

Tarabians in the Diaspora also wish to use this medium to tell Taraba citizens to remain law abiding, as we charge the elder statesmen in the state to form a collation that will give us leaders who will provide us with good development, good governance, good roads, good infrastructures and the dividend of democracy.

TSIDA commiserate with families who lose their loved ones and pray for quick recovery of those who are receiving treatment in hospitals.

This is time for Tarabians to be extra vigilant and report suspicious persons in their domain to track such miscreants and heartily politicians that want to undermine peace in the State.

TSIDA is calling on security agencies to be up to their task and stop the occurrence of bomb blast that is alien to the State.
“We are saying, politics should not separate us;

.Long live Nigeria,
Long live Taraba State,
Long live our governor, His Excellency Arc. Darius Dickson Ishaku,
Long live our elder statesmen,
Long live TSIDA.


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