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Happy Eid El Fitr (let’s go home) Festival! – Dr Bolaji O. Akinyemi


Happy Eid El Fitr (let’s go home) Festival! – Dr Bolaji O. Akinyemi

By Admin

To my Muslim Brothers and Sister.

Gen 22:2 KJV And he said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of.

There is mountain of encounter chosen and approved by Divinity for his meeting with humanity. There is no knowing it until he is telling you of it.

Not in Quran nor the Bible! It is hidden except revealed!

Of him, flesh and blood couldn’t help Peter, but God’s spirit of revelation did!

Christ was the type in Isiak taken by Ibrahim to Moriah, he still was the ram kept in the thicketh of the bushes until Ibrahim’s appointed time of need. He was the offering of your father; Ibrahim on the mountain approved of God; Moriah!

The lamb of Eid El Fitr (ile-ya) isn’t the one tied in front of your house this morning but the one given of God to Abraham on his mountain of encounter.

Of him, he promised Ibrahim in thy seed shall nations of the earth be blessed.

The mystery of Eid El Fitr (ile-ya) is not of a home temporal but of a mansion eternal.

Do you know you can be Christ’s without been a Christian?

I am not a Christian, I am a Believer, one who believes in all that Abraham believed and it was counted for righteousness unto him. Am sent to proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom.

Isah, as you know him is every inch a miracle, every cell in him a wonder.

Read Also:PFN Should not Pander to PAND – Bolaji O. Akinyemi.

His kingdom is more than enough to accommodate ALL without the conflicts and crisis of religious beliefs.

When in death you close your eyes, will you truly make it home?

His kingdom come!

Sooner or later, ile a ya!

I hope to see you at home in Christ’s Kingdom.

Happy Eid El Fitr, (ile-ya) Festival!

Dr Bolaji O. Akinyemi
Apostolic Round Table ART.

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